


  • 發布日期:112-11-06
  • 更新日期:114-01-06
  • 發布單位:課外活動輔導一組
咸池國樂社/YM Chinese Orchestra
提供本校學生一個學習中國傳統音樂的平台,提供自我成長進步與表演的機會,也希望能像一般師生乃至於社會大眾推廣中國傳統音樂。 咸池國樂社創社於民國64年,咸池為太陽沐浴之所,創社之初取其欣欣向榮之意,期許能培育出優秀的音樂人才。咸池國樂社多次於全國音樂比賽絲竹室內樂合奏獲優異成績;除定期校內演出外,每年都有巡迴演出,用音樂位各地民眾服務,不定期也會獲邀演出,屢獲好評;近年暑假舉辦「暑期聯合國樂營」,獲國樂愛好者支持。

The Xianchi Chinese Orchestra Club provides a platform for students at our school to learn about traditional Chinese music, offering opportunities for self-growth, progress, and performance. We also aim to promote traditional Chinese music to faculty, students, and the wider public. Founded in 1975, the name "Xianchi" refers to a place bathed in sunlight, symbolizing vitality and prosperity. From the very beginning, the club has aspired to cultivate outstanding musical talent. The Xianchi Chinese Orchestra has achieved excellent results in national music competitions, particularly in the SihJhu Chamber Music Ensemble category. In addition to regular performances on campus, the club holds annual tours, serving communities across various regions with music. The club is also frequently invited to perform, receiving great praise. In recent years, the club has organized a "Summer Joint Chinese Orchestra Camp," which has garnered strong support from Chinese music enthusiasts.