


  • 發布日期:112-11-06
  • 更新日期:114-01-06
  • 發布單位:課外活動輔導一組
陽明吉他社/Yang Ming Guitar Club
想認識一群熱愛音樂的好朋友嗎? 想擁有隨時隨地自彈自唱的能力嗎? 想在大學時期留下舞台上彈唱的美好回憶嗎? 吉他社的溫暖大家庭一定可以滿足你! 透過固定的社師課,由淺入深帶你接觸吉他技巧、器材運用,另外還有不定期的課程培養不同樂器配置的技能。 初學者沒關係!現在正是接觸吉他的大好機會,有基礎更要來!這裡提供了讓你展現自我的大舞台 加入陽明吉他,為你的大學生活留下精彩的一章!

Do you want to meet a group of friends who are passionate about music? Do you want to have the ability to play and sing anytime, anywhere? Do you want to create beautiful memories of performing on stage during your college years? The warm and welcoming family of the Guitar Club can definitely fulfill these dreams! Through regular lessons, we will guide you step by step in learning guitar techniques and equipment usage. Additionally, there are occasional classes to develop skills in various instrument arrangements. Beginners, don't worry! This is the perfect time to start learning guitar. If you already have a foundation, come join us! We provide a grand stage for you to express yourself. Join the Yang Ming Guitar Club and make your college life even more memorable!