- 發布日期:112-11-06
- 更新日期:114-01-06
- 發布單位:課外活動輔導一組
愛杏管弦樂團/Aising Orchestra
1979年,十幾位愛好音樂的醫學生在繁重的課業之餘,成立了陽明大學愛杏管弦樂社。 「愛杏」取自「杏林中的愛樂者」,作為為來的醫療人員,心中需常保有仁者之心,我們期許自己,不只未來要用醫學服務大眾,現在也要透過音樂溫暖人心。 我們的專業,是治療病痛的仁術;我們的音樂,是溫暖心靈的仁心。 在學期中,我們會辦理讓新生享受「愛樂之夜」的音樂社團聯合迎新活動;讓新社員展露頭角、小團或獨奏上陣的「室內樂之夜」;促成陽明交大校區間音樂交流的聯合演出活動,也有學期末展現學期所學的成發。 愛杏管弦樂團可以讓社員擁有諸多登台展現自我的機會、結交志同道合的朋友;同時向全校師生推廣管絃樂曲,讓大家在大學繼續喜愛音樂、享受音樂。
In 1979, a group of music-loving medical students, amidst their heavy academic workload, founded the Yang Ming University Aising Orchestra Club. "Aising" is derived from "lovers of music in the apricot forest," symbolizing the compassionate heart that future medical professionals must always maintain. We aspire to not only serve the public with medicine in the future, but also to warm hearts through music in the present. Our profession is the healing art of treating illness; our music is the compassionate heart that soothes the soul. During the semester, we organize activities such as the "Night of Music" for new students to enjoy, a "Chamber Music Night" for new members to showcase their talents with small ensembles or solo performances, and joint performances to foster musical exchanges between the Yang Ming and Chiao Tung University campuses. At the end of the semester, we also hold performances to demonstrate the skills learned throughout the term. The Aising Orchestra provides members with numerous opportunities to perform on stage and make like-minded friends. At the same time, we promote orchestral music to the entire university community, encouraging everyone to continue to love and enjoy music during their time in college.
In 1979, a group of music-loving medical students, amidst their heavy academic workload, founded the Yang Ming University Aising Orchestra Club. "Aising" is derived from "lovers of music in the apricot forest," symbolizing the compassionate heart that future medical professionals must always maintain. We aspire to not only serve the public with medicine in the future, but also to warm hearts through music in the present. Our profession is the healing art of treating illness; our music is the compassionate heart that soothes the soul. During the semester, we organize activities such as the "Night of Music" for new students to enjoy, a "Chamber Music Night" for new members to showcase their talents with small ensembles or solo performances, and joint performances to foster musical exchanges between the Yang Ming and Chiao Tung University campuses. At the end of the semester, we also hold performances to demonstrate the skills learned throughout the term. The Aising Orchestra provides members with numerous opportunities to perform on stage and make like-minded friends. At the same time, we promote orchestral music to the entire university community, encouraging everyone to continue to love and enjoy music during their time in college.