- 更新日期:113-10-16
- 發布單位:住宿服務一組

- 課業繁忙之餘來趟輕旅行療癒身心吧,感受陽明校區秋季山徑聚落住宿氛圍、聽取國家文化記憶庫當代人物謝炎山先生導覽打石文化、體驗結合跑酷及攀岩的新型態抱石運動。
- 本校陽明、光復、博愛、台南等各校區學生皆可參加!
- 詳細活動內容請見簡章:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sfmU_PwgDTTU1cqkGbat3_J56cOwBGLv/view?usp=sharing
- 線上報名網址:https://forms.gle/fQp4tWuBMNKjegsZ6
Amid your busy studies, why not take a short trip to refresh your mind and body?
Experience the autumn atmosphere of the mountain trails and lodges at Yangming Campus.
Join Mr. Xie Yanshan, a contemporary figure from the National Cultural Memory Archive, for a guided tour on stonecraft culture.
Try out a new form of bouldering that combines parkour and rock climbing!
For detailed event information, please refer to the brochure:
Online registration:
Experience the autumn atmosphere of the mountain trails and lodges at Yangming Campus.
Join Mr. Xie Yanshan, a contemporary figure from the National Cultural Memory Archive, for a guided tour on stonecraft culture.
Try out a new form of bouldering that combines parkour and rock climbing!
For detailed event information, please refer to the brochure:
Online registration:
- 聯絡人: [ 楊雙全 ]